Editor-in-Chief; Dr. Ahmet FİDAN The Uncertainty Surrounding The Threat to the Environment is on Rise! Hello dear readers. Until the 2000s, the relationship between humans…
JENAS | Journal of Environmental and Natural Studies
Cilt: 5 Sayı: 3, 30.12.2023 YIL: 2023 Araştırma Makaleleri Araştırma Makalesi 1. İstanbul’un Yapılı Çevresini Oluşturan Mahallelerde Yerin Ruhunu Sâmiha Ayverdi’nin Perspektifinden Okumak Berfu Serdaroğlu Subaşı İbrahim…
Chief Editor; Dr. Ahmet FİDAN Purchased Disasters! Hello dear readers. It is a great misfortune for our species and our blue planet Earth, that human…
* ARTICLES | MAKALELER * 1 Utilization of Renewable Energies in Public Buildings (Hospitals): a Step to Deal with the Energy Kamu Binalarında (Hastaneler) Yenilenebilir…
JOURNAL of NATURAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES FROM EDITOR Chief Editor; Dr. Ahmet FİDAN Resilience! Trying to control life without understanding nature eventually results in being…
2023 – Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1 Derleme 1. Anaerobik Parçalanma Prosesinin Zenginleştirilmesinde Katkı Maddesi Olarak Biyoçar Ceyda GÜNEÇ Cennet TEKER Zeynep KOBAK Fatih YILMAZ Nuriye PERENDECİ Sayfa: 1-27 Araştırma…
Research Articles Research Article 1. In 19th Century Rumeli Railway Line And Its Effects On The Capital Istanbul Eray YAVUZARSLAN Page: 190-206 PDF Research Article…